June Sales Committee Meeting

Here are the meeting minutes from the Sales Committee Meeting held June 11, 2024.

Pima County Junior Livestock Sales, Inc.

President- Laura Levin Vice-President- Dr. Torres Treasurer- Brandy Lara Secretary- Jennifer Vimmerstedt PCJLSI Meeting Minutes – June 11, 2024

In Attendance:
In-person: Laura Levin, Brad Ferris, Jenni Ferris, Armando Burruel, Ryan Thiessen, Courtney Roberts, Jordan Roberts, Ed Konrath, Makayla Smith, Micaela McGibbon, Tawn Johnston, Brandy Lara, Dr. Selke, Mrs. Selke, Lisa Benson, Ashlea Gideon, Maureen Purcell, Bobby Kurn, Amanda Huhta, Keisha Cassidy, Stephen Cassidy, Leia Webster,

Remote: Eric Larsen, Liz Jepson, Jane Maciulla, Jennifer Vimmerstedt, Dr. Torres, Katlyn Eppley, Carter Ham

Next Meeting: Tuesday, September 10, 2024 at 7:00 pm (no August meeting)

● Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Laura Levin
● Introductions
Any items to be added to agenda? Yes, add new panel request

o Brad Ferris motioned to approve; Ryan Thiessen seconded. Approved.

Previous meeting minutes?
o Armando Burruel motioned to approve; Tawn Johnston seconded. Approved.

Officer Report - Treasurer Report

Checking $215,934.31 Savings: $948,414.02 Total: $1,164,348.33

$78,000 left to collect. Checks to the kids should be cut this next week.

Old Business None

New Business
Small/Large Animal Critique:
Brad and Laura went to both and received good, positive feedback about

the auction.

Drug testing: Overall, it went very well and was very much improved from last year. The area was more secure and we will continue to improve.


Pima County Junior Livestock Sales, Inc.

Auction Feedback:

  • ●  TV behind the stands was very helpful for people wanting to bid on certain kids. Formatting issue of the numbers on the screen will be fixed next year.

  • ●  Had some issues taking bids - everyone is a volunteer and some were new.

  • ●  Need to focus on the event and make it fun. And make people want to come back every year.

  • ●  Add rubber mats to the ground around the bleachers and add more area for wheelchair access.

  • ●  Parking - went well and the Torres family did a great job.

  • ●  There were a handful of kids who refused pictures with Cinda after they showed and those buyers weren’t happy they didn’t get a picture. We may need a couple volunteers to help get kids back to the backdrop and help Cinda get everyone. Before we make a rule, we need to communicate to the kids/parents that they need to get their pictures and why (for the buyers).

  • ●  The process of getting the ipad to the correct buyer was a little jumbled. There were some price changes that were needed after the ipad went out to them. Toughest issue during the large stock auction was that buyers kept moving during the auction so it was harder for kids to find them. Had some issues typing in all of the numbers up on the stand with the splits and that contributed to the discrepancies.

  • ●  A lot of buyers didn’t like having kids coming out to get them as they were going to the brunch, checking in, and waiting for the auction. The kids can stay by their animals but can’t go hound buyers. Kids need to mail letters and not expect they can hand out letters at the auction. It’s all about building relationships.

  • ●  In years past, the sales committee has gone to the community club meetings to talk about the auction and buyer letters. 4-H leaders, FFA advisors, and project leaders are also welcome to come to our sales committee meetings.

  • ●  Some bad behaviors this year (kids and parents) was seen during load out this year. Brad will meet with the coordinators who are in charge of loading animals. The process needs to be more efficient.

  • ●  No complaints from processors getting the wrong animals which is good.

  • ●  The little boy who needed the area to be quiet is now coming back next year because it was a good experience for him in the auction. Advance notice is needed for accommodations and we can decide what to do.


Pima County Junior Livestock Sales, Inc.


  • ●  Tawn made a motion to not manage the scholarship program going forward and to let the Foundation manage it. We are spinning our wheels and the time/effort would be better spent supporting the Foundation and not doing it on our own. We need to make sure FFA is included. Lisa seconded it.

  • ●  Eric said based on his experience in the 4-H office, the two issues can be fixed. 1) The lack of communication between the Foundation and sales committee or 4-H office – determining if a kid has gone through the auction. 2) Create a similar endowment with the AZ FFA so FFA kids are eligible.

  • ●  Members of the sales committee and also on the scholarship committee had kids who won the scholarships. Ashlea did send the application to all 4-H Leaders and FFA Advisors so everyone had the opportunity to apply.

  • ●  Need a third party to choose/distribute the scholarship just so everything is perceived as fair.

  • ●  Bobby can look into Los Charros managing it. This was tabled in the spring to allow the sales

    committee to handle it this year.

  • ●  The longevity of the scholarship through the Foundation’s endowment is forever. Managing it through the sales committee might be very difficult long term as members of the committee change.

  • ●  Two $1300 scholarships were given out by the Foundation, less than last year and they aren’t consistent with the amounts or number of awards they hand out. Foundation was inflexible to change the amount being awarded or to take more money from the sales committee

    Discussion has been tabled. We need to research more options but need to remove the responsibility of choosing and awarding the sales committee scholarship to remove any perception of favoritism.

    Ryan made a motion to table the discussion. Brandy seconded. Approved.

    4-H updates:

  • ●  New coordinators. (see updated directory)

  • ●  Small stock voting members to be determined at the September meeting.

  • ●  Large stock - each project gets one vote.

    Nomination committee:

● Dr. Selke to head this up and needs one person from large stock and one from small stock. Armando for large stock and Ryan for small stock.


Pima County Junior Livestock Sales, Inc.

  • ●  Dr. Torres and Amando’s terms are up. Anyone who is currently an officer who doesn’t want to run again, please let Dr. Selke know ASAP. Dr. Selke will send out an email to all of the voting members in August.


  • ●  If there any changes to the rules, please let Laura know before the September meeting.

  • ●  The September meeting moved from 9/3 to 9/10 because of the long weekend. At this meeting we will be voting on any rule changes, scholarship changes, and voting on new directors/officers whose terms are up.

    Fair update:

    Fair went very well. Total numbers of attendees was over 294,000 and income was up 10.5% over 2023 but expenses were up too. Final accounting later this month. Dr. Selke might be moved to emeritus status where he can attend meetings, but not vote. He’s been involved for 60 years and will stay involved. This year the ramada was named after Dr. and Mrs. Selke. This honor was incredibly well deserved! Thank you Dr. and Mrs. Selke!

    Thank you to everyone for a great auction!

    Tawn moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 p.m. and Brad seconded.



2025 Fair Premium Book


Heritage Meat Pen List