2025 Fair Premium Book

Poultry Premium Book Fair 2025

A) Contacts

Poultry Project Coordinator:

Keisha Cassidy



Poultry Superintendent

Amanda Huhta



County 4H Office Contact

Ashlea Gideon



Pima County 4H Poultry Website


The Pima County 4-H/FFA Feathered Projects Division is subject to all of the rules of the following:

Pima County 4-H/FFA General Animal Science Rules & Regulations

Pima County 4-H/FFA Small Stock Rules and Regulations

Pima County Junior Livestock Sales, Inc. Auction Rules

Pima County 4-H/FFA Poultry Project Rules

B) Dates and Deadlines

Project Deadlines

 See the individual projects for dates and times

YQCA Deadline

 Before Friday, January 31, 2025 

Ownership Deadline

 Friday, January 31, 2025 by 11:59pm- forms will be made available

Fair Entry Deadline

Friday, March 15th, 2025 by 11:59pm- forms will be sent out

Fair Workday Dates (one MUST be attended to qualify for Fair)

Saturday, April 5th, 2025


Saturday, April 12th, 2025

Fair Poultry Set-up Date

Monday, April 21, 2025 at 8:00am- Those who wish to work this day can do so ONLY with permission from the Coordinator if communicated before April 1, 2025.

Fair Check-in Date

 Monday, April 21, 2025 12:00pm to 6:00pm Birds, Eggs, and Exhibits

  No entities will be accepted if not in line by 6pm

Showmanship Date

Tuesday, April 22, 2025 Commercial Turkey Showmanship- Indoor Arena

 Turkeys will be judged at this time as well

Following Turkey Showmanship Poultry Showmanship will be held- Indoor Arena

Commercial and Heritage Judging

 Wednesday, April 23, 2025 following Pigeon Showmanship- Indoor Arena

  Order of presentation will be announced

Breed Show Date

Wednesday, April 23, 2025- birds judged in their pens with exhibitor


Following all breed shows there will be time to meet with the judges in a one on one setting

Small Stock Auction Date

Sunday, April 27, 2025 at 9:00am exhibitors report to Indoor Arena

10:30am Auction in Outdoor Arena

Exhibitor Meeting

 Sunday, April 27, 2025 time TBA

Fair Check-out Date

Sunday, April 27, 2025 at 5:15pm all purchased birds to the proper location within the Indoor Arena

5:30pm Fair tear down is required for All 4-H and FFA members participating in fair


C) Rules

I) General Exhibition Rules

1. Requirements to show at fair:

a) All exhibitors must take the YQCA Assurance class (online or in person) and be certified by January 31, 2025. 

b) All exhibitors MUST participate in two approved shows or workshops prior to the fair.

 c) All exhibitors must participate in one of the two Fair workdays

2. Pens: Each exhibitor is limited to 20 pens (a pen will consist of 1 to 3 animals based on the project being entered) unless there is a shortage of space/cages; exhibitors will be notified in advance of check-in if there is a shortage. A $2 fee will be applied at fair check-in per pen, with a $40 maximum per family. This is a CASH only transaction per Pima County rules. Only exhibits to be judged may be brought to the Fair unless prior arrangements have been made with the Project Coordinator.

3. Animal Health: Exhibitors are encouraged to show only their best exhibits. All animals exhibited must be in good health. Each animal will be visually inspected by the Project Coordinator, veterinary professional, or Coordinator designee prior to cage assignment. Any animal showing any evidence of disease, parasites (i.e. lice, mites), infestation, or deformation may be excused from the grounds at the discretion of the Project Coordinator/Superintendent.

4. Chicks may be brought with mothers only as part of an educational display with prior approval of the Project Coordinator.

5. NO GAME COCKS WILL BE ALLOWED ON THE FAIRGROUNDS. This does not include Old English Bantams and American Game Bantams.

6. Banding: All Exhibits (including all commercial and ornamental animals) must have been banded with corresponding band numbers on ownership and entry form. NOTE: Bands must include a number, colored bands (i.e. bands without numbers) are not acceptable.

7. Dress: For all judged shows, 4-H/FFA members must be present and in show dress as defined in the General Animal Science Rules & Regulations under Exhibitor Dress.

8. Special Needs are defined as a diagnosed condition experienced by exhibitors with mental/physical disabilities, which limit the exhibitor’s ability to show their project(s) by normal means. Members/Parents should notify the Project Coordinator and a 4-H Agent with information on the condition as well as suggestions for reasonable accommodations prior to the Pima County Fair. Accommodations will be handled by either the 4-H Agent or FFA Advisor in cooperation with Project Coordinator and 4-H/FFA members on an individual basis. Please give 4-H and FFA ample notice to prepare accommodations.

9. Health Accommodations will follow those set forward in the Pima County 4-H/FFA General Animal Science Rules & Regulations

10. Any exhibitor having more than one entry in a class called to the show tables may have assistance from other 4-H/FFA members (in show dress) only, but the member MUST be present at the breed show to be able to sell in the Small Stock Auction. Conflicts with other 4-H/FFA Classes and Shows will be considered but should be communicated with the Project Coordinator

11. Eggs: Under no circumstances will eggs be removed from exhibitor’s cage by anyone, except by the exhibitor or those authorized by the Project Coordinator

12. Exhibitor age will be calculated as their age on December 31, 2024. (Ex: exhibitor’s birthday is January 22, 2013 then the exhibitor's age for the 2025 fair is 11)

Age divisions are:

a) Junior- 8 years old to 11 years old

b) Intermediate- 12 years old to 14 years old

c) Senior- 15 years old to 18 years old

d) Novice follow the same age requirements but are in their First year of showing

13. Open Show: Exhibits may also be entered in the Open Division Show; however, Open exhibits must be Removed Completely from the barn by 6pm Sunday April 20th, 2025, and will not be allowed back until check-in time.

14. Ribbons:

a) Only pens that win Grand, Reserve or blue ribbons may go to auction.

b) Where there is no competition, judges may award one ribbon or no ribbon, according to merit. The judge may disqualify birds at his/her discretion.

c) Ribbons will be awarded to All exhibits based on the Danish Style of Judging.

1) Blue - excellent; exhibit most nearly meets the standard (does not indicate perfection). Example of a numerical score = 90 -100.

2) Red - good; relative to pre-established standards, a few specific shortcomings have been identified. Example of a numerical score = 80-89. 

3) White - fair; many improvements are needed for the exhibit to meet the pre-established standards. Example of a numerical score =70-79.

4) No award - far below standards expected for that exhibit. Example of a numerical score - 69 - below.

15. Herdsmanship

a) Herdsmanship is mandatory for exhibitors entering animals in the Fair. Only members/exhibitors are to participate in Herdsmanship. Parents and Adults may be present but are discouraged from participating unless necessary.

b) Herdsmanship duties are to be performed continuously throughout the day. There is no designated time but exhibitors should maintain all Herdsmanship duties throughout the day by attending to them at least twice a day.

c) Points are not awarded based on number of animals, stalls or pens but on clubs’ performance in Herdsmanship duties. Points will be based upon:

1) Cleanliness of bedding, regularity of feeding and watering, arrangement of equipment, supplies, orderliness and neatness.

2) Cleanliness of tack areas, areas around tack rooms, and aisle ways. 

3) Cleanliness, grooming, condition of animal

4) Attentiveness, appearance, attitude, and courtesy to the other exhibitors and the public at all times, including Barn Duty. 

d) Judges will rate poultry exhibits on a 4-H club or FFA chapter basis during the fair. Each club will be judged independently. Judges will visit the indoor poultry barn at least once a day, unannounced at any time, to evaluate each club's animals, tack areas, and exhibit areas. 

e) Herdsmanship Awards:

1) Grand Prize

2) Blue Ribbons

3) Red Ribbons

4) White Ribbons

16. Barn Duty

a) The only time that the exhibitor may remove their animal out of its pen or cage, other than to clean, tend to health concerns, or other sanctioned activities, is during their assigned Barn Duty to allow the public to interact with it. The exhibitor cannot remove another exhibitor’s animal without their express permission. 

b) Barn Duty responsibilities are:

1) Animals’ safety from the public

2) Conversing with the public about the project

3) Conversing about 4-H/FFA

c) Barn Duty responsibilities are NOT:

1) to feed or water other exhibitors' animals. You may only add water to a dish/bottle if it is Empty.

d) If any problems occur with the public and the adult on barn duty is not comfortable handling the situation, fair security may be called to assist. Please find one of the coordinators, superintendents, extension staff, or a member of the fair staff and report it.  

e) Attendance to Barn Duty by exhibitors’ parents or leaders is mandatory per the schedule of the Project Coordinator. It is imperative an adult is present during all hours the barn is open to the public. There must be at least one adult present during each barn duty shift.

f) A sign-up will be sent out before the fair and will be available during the fair. The number of barn duty shifts required per club will be determined at the discretion of the Project Coordinator. This information will be sent out with the sign-up sheet.

g) Barn duty will count toward herdsmanship points.

II) Commercial Class Rules

Commercial project means that exhibitors will raise birds to be used for food, either eggs or meat. Grand and Reserve ChampionCommercial Pens MUST sell in the Small Stock Auction. Only blue-ribbon pens may be sold at auction. All Commercial Class Birds will be shown in the Indoor Arena at their designated time.

1. Cornish-Rock Cross Commercial Meat Chickens

a) Exhibitors in the Commercial Meat Chickens class are limited to two entries- one entry in broiler, one entry in fryer. An entry consists of three birds.

b) Two Commercial Meat Chickens entries (one entry in broiler, one entry in fryer) are allowed in addition to other commercial entries.

b) Pens should show the 4-H/FFA member's ability to produce high quality meat for the table.

c) Broiler: Raise three live chicks from day-old to 6 to 8 weeks old. Broilers must weight over 5 pounds each but no more than 9 pounds each

d) Fryer: Raise three live chicks from day-old to 6 to 8 weeks old. Fryers must weigh 3 ½ to 5 pounds each

e) Chicks will be purchased at the exhibitor level. February 23, 2025 is the earliest hatch date allowed and March 9, 2025 is the latest allowed.

f) Each bird must be leg banded. Band numbers must be assigned and listed with the county by the entry deadline, April 1st, 2025. All birds will be wing banded during Fair weigh-in.

g) see Small Stock General Rules & Regulations

2. Broad Breasted White Commercial Turkeys

a) Exhibitors in the Broad Breasted White Commercial Turkeys class are limited to one entry. An entry consists of one bird.

b) One turkey pen entry is allowed in addition to other commercial entries.

c) Pens should show the 4-H/FFA member's ability to produce high quality meat for the table.

d) Raise three live female poults from day-old to at least 20 weeks old.

e) Poults will be purchased at the county level. Have your orders in through the website by October 31, 2024. The birds must be picked up within two days of notification of their arrival with CASH payment.

f) Each bird must be leg banded. Band numbers must be assigned and listed with the county by the ownership deadline, January 31st, 2025. All birds will be wing banded during Fair weigh-in.

g) at the judge’s discretion underweight and overweight birds may be disqualified. 

h) see Small Stock General Rules & Regulations

3. Peeking Commercial Ducks

a) Exhibitors in the Commercial Ducks class are limited to one entry. An entry consists of two birds.

b) One duck pen entry is allowed in addition to other commercial entries.

c) Pens should show the 4-H/FFA member's ability to produce high quality meat or eggs for the table.

d) Raise three to four live female ducklings from day-old to 7 to 8 weeks old.

e) Ducklings will be purchased at the county level. Have your orders in through the website by November 30, 2024. The birds must be picked up within two days of notification of their arrival with CASH payment.

f) Each bird must be leg banded. Band numbers must be assigned and listed with the county by the ownership deadline, January 31st, 2025. All birds will be wing banded during Fair weigh-in.

g) see Small Stock General Rules & Regulations

4. Pearl White Leghorn Commercial Laying Chickens

a) Exhibitors in the Commercial Laying Chickens class are limited to one entry. An entry consists of three birds.

b) One Egg Layer pen entry is allowed in addition to other commercial entries.

c) Pens should show the 4-H/FFA member's ability to produce high quality eggs for the table.

d) Raise five live female chicks from day-old to at least 21 weeks old.

e) Chicks will be purchased at the county level. Have your orders in through the website by July 27, 2024. The birds must be picked up within two days of notification of their arrival with CASH payment. 

f) Each bird must be leg banded. Band numbers must be assigned and listed with the county by the ownership deadline, January 31st, 2025.

g) see Small Stock General Rules & Regulations

III) Non-Commercial Class Rules

1. Chickens

a) Exhibitors in the Ornamental Chickens Pen class are not limited on entries as long as the total number of entries by the exhibitor does not exceed the limit set for the entirety of Fair. An entry consists of one bird.

b) All breeds accepted by the American Poultry Association (APA), and the American Bantam Association (ABA), as stated in the Standard of Perfection, may be exhibited by 4-H/FFA Small Stock exhibitors to win Class or Show Awards. Any varieties exhibited not in the Standards may not win above the Variety level. Any breeds exhibited not in the Standards may not win above the Breed level.

c) All birds will be judged according to their standards found in the APA and the ABA Standards of Perfection.

d) Chicks and/or birds will be purchased or hatched at the exhibitor level.

e) Birds must be of mature/reproductive age and should be no younger than 25 weeks of age. Therefore hatched by October 27, 2024

f) Each bird must be leg banded. Band numbers must be assigned and listed on ownership paperwork by the entry deadline, January 31st, 2025.

g) see Small Stock General Rules & Regulations

2. Waterfowl

a) Exhibitors in the Waterfowl Pen class are not limited on entries as long as the total number of entries by the exhibitor does not exceed the limit set for the entirety of Fair. An entry consists of one bird.

b) All breeds accepted by the American Poultry Association (APA), and the American Bantam Association (ABA), as stated in the Standard of Perfection, may be exhibited by 4-H/FFA Small Stock exhibitors to win Class or Show Awards. Any varieties exhibited not in the Standards may not win above the Variety level. Any breeds exhibited not in the Standards may not win above the Breed level.

c) All birds will be judged according to their standards found in the APA and the ABA Standards of Perfection.

d) Ducklings/goslings and/or birds will be purchased or hatched at the exhibitor level.

e) Birds must be of mature/reproductive age and should be no younger than 25 weeks of age. Therefore hatched by October 27, 2024

f) Each bird must be leg banded. Band numbers must be assigned and listed on ownership paperwork by the entry deadline, January 31st, 2025

g) see Small Stock General Rules & Regulations

3. Heritage Turkeys

a) Exhibitors in the Heritage Turkey Pen class are limited to one entry per variety and sex. An entry consists of one bird.

b) All varieties accepted by the American Poultry Association (APA), as stated in the Standard of Perfection, may be exhibited by 4-H/FFA Small Stock exhibitors to win Class or Show Awards. Any varieties exhibited not in the Standard may not win above the Variety level.

c) All birds will be judged according to their standards found in the APA Standard of Perfection.

d) Heritage Turkeys do NOT participate in Commercial Turkey Showmanship.

d) Poults and/or birds will be purchased or hatched at the exhibitor level.

e) Birds must be of mature/reproductive age and should be no younger than 25 weeks of age. Therefore hatched by October 27, 2024

f) Each bird must be leg banded. Band numbers must be assigned and listed on ownership paperwork by the entry deadline, January 31st, 2025.

g) see Small Stock General Rules & Regulations

4. Heritage Meat Pen Chickens

a) Exhibitors in the Heritage Meat Pen Chickens class are limited to two entries. An entry consists of three birds.

b) Heritage pens must be uniform in size, but since the heritage project does not consist of one breed, weights are not limited. Heritage pens will have a recorded weight and the judge will base his/her choice on uniformity and overall production quality.

c) Heritage Meat Pens should be between 9 months and 12 months of age. Therefore hatched between April 29, 2024 and July 20, 2024

d) Chicks will be purchased or hatched at the exhibitor level.

f) Each bird must be leg banded. Band numbers must be assigned and listed on ownership paperwork by the entry deadline, January 31st, 2025.

g) see Small Stock General Rules & Regulations

5. Quail

a) Exhibitors in the Quail class are limited to two entries. An entry consists of three birds. 

b) Quail meat pens may be entered as 3 males. Laying pens may be entered as 3 females. Breeding pens may be entered as 1 male with 2 females.

c) Quail may only be Cotornix Quail but may be any variety. Variety must be specified on entry form.

d) Quail must be of mature/reproductive age and must be under 12 months but over 6 weeks of age. April 29, 2024 is the earliest hatch date allowed and March 9, 2025 is the latest allowed.

e) Each bird must be leg banded. Band numbers must be assigned and listed on ownership paperwork by the entry deadline, January 31st, 2025 or by April 1st, 2025 depending on age of birds.

f) see Small Stock General Rules & Regulations

IV) Judging and Awards for Poultry

1. Each Breed will be judged separately. Exceptions will be all pens consisting of more than one bird, to be judged as a unit.

2. For this event:

a) Cock= Cock, Old Drake, Old Gander, Old Tom, or male birds older than 12 months of age

b) Hen= Hen, Old Duck, Old Goose, Old Hen, or female birds older than 12 months of age

c) Cockerel= Cockerel, Young Drake, Young Gander, Young Tom, or male birds under 12 months of age

d) Pullet= Pullet, Young Duck, Young Goose, Young Hen, or female birds under the age of 12 months regardless of egg laying

3. Ribbons will be awarded to All exhibits based on the Danish Style of Judging

V) Showmanship Rules

1. Age classes will be divided: 

a) Junior Novice

b) Junior

 c) Intermediate Novice

d) Intermediate

e) Senior Novice

f) Senior

2. Commercial Turkey Showmanship 

a) When an age class is broken into two or more sections, special blue awards may be given to outstanding showmen and asked to come back for the championship round. Callbacks are at the judge’s discretion.

b) Exhibitors must use their own exhibit in the Commercial Turkey Showmanship competition. Commercial Turkey Showmanship exhibits must also be entered in the breed show, or in another judged lot.

c) Exhibitors with registered pens are automatically registered for Commercial Turkey Showmanship. Those who wish to participate in the Small Stock Auction do NOT have to participate in Commercial Turkey Showmanship but are encouraged to do so.

d) Commercial Turkey Showmanship may be judged on the exhibitor's ability to show their own animal (no exceptions) to its advantage and their knowledge in handling, fitting and selecting animals for production and show. The judge may also ask questions based on the exhibitor's experience and knowledge pertaining to market production turkeys.

e) Winners do NOT advance to Round Robin

3. Poultry Showmanship

a) Poultry is defined as chickens, heritage turkeys, ducks or geese. Keep in mind that some breeds can be flighty and difficult to train.

  1) A chicken used in showmanship should be at least 20 weeks old

2) A turkey used in showmanship should be at least 11 weeks old

  3) A duck used in showmanship should be at least 17 weeks old

4) A goose used in showmanship should be at least 17 weeks old

b) When an age class is broken into two or more sections, special blue awards may be given to outstanding showmen and asked to come back for the championship round. Callbacks are at the judge’s discretion.

c) Exhibitors must use their own exhibit in the Poultry Showmanship competition. Poultry Showmanship exhibits must also be entered in the breed show, or in another judged lot.

d) Exhibitors with registered pens are automatically registered for Poultry Showmanship. Those who wish to participate in the Small Stock Auction MUST participate in Poultry Showmanship.

e) Poultry Showmanship may be judged on the exhibitor's ability to show their own animal (no exceptions) to its advantage and their knowledge in handling, fitting and selecting animals for production and show. The judge may also ask questions based on the exhibitor's experience and knowledge pertaining to All divisions of poultry.

f) Grand Winners for Junior, Intermediate, and Senior MUST advance to Round Robin

VI) Egg Class Rules

1. Laying Eggs

a) Only one entry per exhibitor per lot allowed: white, cream, brown, blue or green chicken, duck, quail, turkey or any other eggs. One-half dozen eggs will constitute an entry. Entries with fewer or more than six eggs will be disqualified.

b) Eggs must be clean

c) All eggs in an entry must be of a single size group: small, medium or large.

d) Eggs will be judged for uniformity in internal and external qualities.

e) Eggs must be entered in egg cartons provided by the exhibitor only.

f) Each lot will be registered separately

g) Ribbons will be awarded to All exhibits based on the Danish Style of Judging

h) Larger Ribbons will be awarded to:

1) Overall: Grand and Reserve

2. Decorative eggs

a) Only one entry per exhibitor allowed

b) any egg of any type may be decorated in any way that the exhibitor chooses. 

c) will be entered separately from Laying Egg Entries

D) Old Pueblo Hall Exhibit

Old Pueblo Hall (OPH) Exhibits required for ALL projects by ALL Pima 4-H County Fair Exhibitors. 

Those showing at the 2025 Pima County Fair must enter an exhibit into OPH that is related to their fair project. For those with multiple fair projects, please select one project to represent in OPH. Each individual showman should be creating their own exhibit for OPH based on their individual project. Exhibits can include posters (22"x28" or smaller), photography, baking, welding, etc. Feel free to get creative with these exhibits!! This excludes FFA members.

By March 14th, 2025, all 4-H and FFA Members will enter their projects to the Pima County Fair on a Google Form (to be sent). Instructions on how to register will be sent out prior to the deadline.

Classes for the Project

Class 1 Cornish-Rock Cross Commercial Meat Chickens

 Lot 1 Broilers pen of 3

 Lot 2 Fryers pen of 3

Class 2 Broad Breasted White Commercial Turkeys

 Lot 1 Turkey pen of 1

Class 3 Peeking Commercial Ducks

 Lot 1 Duck pen of 2

Class 4 White Leghorn Commercial Laying Chickens

 Lot 1 Laying Hens pen of 3

Class 5 Chickens

 Lot 1 Cock pen of 1

 Lot 2 Hen pen of 1

 Lot 3 Cockerel pen of 1

 Lot 4 Pullet pen of 1

Class 6 Waterfowl

 Lot 1 Cock pen of 1

 Lot 2 Hen pen of 1

 Lot 3 Cockerel pen of 1

 Lot 4 Pullet pen of 1

Class 7 Heritage Turkey

 Lot 1 Cock pen of 1

 Lot 2 Hen pen of 1

 Lot 3 Cockerel pen of 1

 Lot 4 Pullet pen of 1

Class 8 Heritage Meat Chickens

 Lot 1 Chicken pen of 3

 Lot 2 Chicken pen of 3

Class 9 Quail

 Lot 1 Meat Quail pen of 3

 Lot 2 Quail pen of 1

Class 10 Turkey showmanship

 Lot 1 Junior Novice

 Lot 2 Junior

 Lot 3 Intermediate Novice

 Lot 4 Intermediate

 Lot 5 Senior Novice

 Lot 6 Senior

Class 11 Chicken showmanship

 Lot 1 Junior Novice

 Lot 2 Junior

 Lot 3 Intermediate Novice

 Lot 4 Intermediate

 Lot 5 Senior Novice

 Lot 6 Senior

Class 12 Laying Eggs

 Lot 1 White Chicken in a group of 6

 Lot 2 Cream Chicken in a group of 6

 Lot 3 Brown Chicken in a group of 6

 Lot 4 Blue/Green Chicken in a group of 6

 Lot 5 Duck in a group of 6

 Lot 6 Quail in a group of 6

 Lot 7 Turkey in a group of 6

 Lot 8 Other in a group of 6

Class 13 Decorative Eggs

 Lot 1 a single decorated egg

Class 14 Old Pueblo Hall Posters and Displays


Fur and Feather Raffle Table


June Sales Committee Meeting